“One of the foremost climate journalists in the U.S.”
Hi, I’m Emily.
I’m the author and founder of HEATED, a weekly newsletter dedicated to original accountability reporting and analysis on the climate crisis. I’m also a contributing columnist at MSNBC.
Previously, I was the climate staff writer at The New Republic, and the deputy climate editor at ThinkProgress. My pieces have appeared in Newsweek, Slate, Mother Jones, and other places.
My mentor was the late investigative journalist Wayne Barrett. ”It was always the conduct that prodded me to write, not the person,” he wrote. “And that is what I lived for, a chance to say something that revealed and mattered. To me, the story will always be the thing. It is all I can see.”
Do you see a story? Tell me about it: emily(at)heated(dot)world. Or find me on Twitter.